Thursday, July 3, 2014


Today I Read another horrible incidence of stray dog bit in which group  of STRAY DOGS attacked a 22 year old girl by name SABA BEGUWALA from MAHAGIRI THANE suffered from horrible dog bite on the early morning of 22nd June while going for a job. Irony is that when she was taken to CIVIL HOSPITAL in THANE , medical officers sent her to SION HOSPITAL citing reason of WOUNDS are serious and required injection was not available at the hospital. 

This is the condition of HUMANS in INDIA after 67 years of independence.

All those so called animal lovers who care for STRAY DOGS doesnot know this ?

Why those ANIMAL LOVERS fight for such issues ?

Why they only fight for STRAY DOGS , who are responsible for so many tragedies ?

If these animal lovers have so much love for ANIMALS , then they should also stop killing of CHICKENS , GOATS for MUTTON, FISHING etc. Irony is that many of these Animal lovers  must be happily eating Chicken Mutton, Fish etc. etc.

Where are we heading ?

I am sure that many more such kind of unpublished incidences must be happening in all over INDIA.

Unfortunately I am not getting reply from TMC against my RTI dt. 20th My, 2014  asking for no. of STRAY DOG BITES in last year.

To whom to ask justice is now big question in front of me.

Unfortunately at this age, cannot migrate to Germany.

MERA BHARAT MAHA..............N ( From which angle I do not know , you know ? )

I have a fear of having RABIES ,  without dog bite.

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