Friday, March 4, 2011

Illegal Parking of Out Station Buses Near Vandana S.T. Bus Depot

Namskar ,

Please go through the following article published in Hindustan Times dt. 5th March 2011.

There are several other traffic issues in Thane which are to be handled with priority. Few of the issues are
1. ) S.T. buses, TMT buses, Police Jeeps, TMC Ghanta Gadis, Govt. Vehicles etc. doesn't follow any of the Traffic Rules. These vehicles break Red Single and Traffic Police present at that spot ignore these vehicles.

2. ) At various locations many vehicles including Ghanta Gadis of TMC drive from the wrong side of the road and cross the signal from the wrong side and in very dangerous manner. Photographs of these vehicles with their reg. nos. were forwarded to Traffic Police Dept as well as to TMC commissioner, but still no improvement.

It is my feeling that not only in Thane but in INDIA, rules are to be followed only by common citizens and not at all by Govt. Employees , Politicians, Govt. Vehicles, S.T. buses, Local Public Transport buses, Auto Rickshaws etc.

With this ATTITUDE , How India will become SUPER POWER ?

There should be DRASTIC change in the mentality of lot of individuals.

I hereby take this opportunity to thank all my friends from Print Media as well as T.V. media, who always helped and supported me in raising various issues faced by COMMON MAN of INDIA .

1 comment:

  1. Dear Satyajit,

    Best wishes for your efforts. You will need to keep a continuous follow up in order to get results. Also, the time and resources are limited so we need to select one cause at a time and devote our energy for the same.

    All the best
