Saturday, December 26, 2009



Razing illegal structures not an easy task

Times of India , 26th Dec 2009

S Balakrishnan | TNN

Mumbai: The Bombay high court recently placed the onus of ensuring the legality of the flats on the purchasers. But the case of Tilak Nagar residents in Chembur shows how difficult it is to get illegal structures demolished. For more than one-and-a-halfyears the BMC’s M/west ward office of the is trying to demolish a seven-storeyed unauthorised building, but without much success.
Building no. 29 in Tilak Nagar was demolished for redevelopment by Paradise and Bhoomi Developers as per an agreement with Bharat Cooperative Housing Society. All the 36 tenants were rehoused
in A wing of the new building and 42 flats in B wing were to be sold. In late 2007, the residents found work on a totally new wing—C—in progress in the compound.
A resident of B wing, Sophia Sawant, filed an RTI application in January, 08. The BMC permitted her to inspect the building plans etc and it was found that the new structure was unauthorised. Following Sawant’s complaint, the BMC initiated action against builder Javed Memon, chairman of the society, Kumud Jaykar and secretary Mohan Pednekar under the Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act. All three were arrested and released on bail.
Memon moved the HC for stay against the demolition which was refused. Following this the BMC started demolition in April, 2008. The BMC punctured the walls of the C wing and called for a tender to carry out further demolition without harming the legal portions of the building.
Sawant and seven other residents of B wing filed a writ peitition in the HC against unauthorised construction of C wing, open space violations and the absence of a proper entrance to their wing. The residents found that the passage which they were using as entrance was closed by Ms Jaykar who said the area was meant to be a shop purchased by her daughter Poonam.
With the access to their homes blocked, the petitioners sought the court’s intervention. The HC appointed a court commissioner Chirag Shah to visit the site and report to it. The residents also complained to the police. Following pressure from the police officials, the grille was removed and the residents got access to their building.
The BMC claimed that the builder had balance FSI against which the seventh floor of B wing, first floor of C wing and two shops could be regularised provided he demolished the remaining illegal portions within 30 days. “But the illegal structure is still in in tact,’’ Sawant complained. Memon was unavailable for comment. Sawant alleged that most buildings in Tilak Nagar, which was a housing board colony, had several illegal floors, but the BMC was not demolishing them.M/West ward Ramesh Pawar said he was readying to completely demolish the illegal wing.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

News in Maharashtra TImes dt. 14th Dec. 2009

Following news is published in Maharashtra Times dt. 14th Dec. 2009. Why such kind of action is not being taken of polluting Ravi Steel, located at Majiwada Junction, Thane West and Shanti Textiles , Kolshet Road, Thane West ?

बोईसरच्या प्रदूषणकारी १५ कारखान्यांचे पाणी तोडले
14 Dec 2009, 0153 hrs IST

- म. टा. वृत्तसेवा , पालघर

बोईसर औद्योगिक वसाहतीतील २१ कारखान्यांनी प्रदूषण नियंत्रण मंडळाने आखून दिलेल्या नियमांचे उल्लंघन केल्यामुळे हे कारखाने बंद करण्याचे आदेश देण्यात आले होते व त्यानंतर लागलीच अवघ्या ४८ तासांनंतर १५ कारखान्यांचा पाणी पुरवठा महाराष्ट्र औद्योगिक महामंडळाने खंडित केला आहे.

वीज कंपनीने तातडीने वीज पुरवठा खंडित करण्यास नकार दिला आहे, तर आणखी १०० कारखान्यांवर कारवाई होणार आहे. प्रदूषण नियंत्रण मंडळाकडून गेल्या काही वर्षांनंतर अशा स्वरूपाची मोठी कारवाई होत असल्याने कारखानदारांत एकच खळबळ उडाली आहे. कारखाने बंद करण्याच्या आदेशात अनुप फार्मा, वसुंधरा डेअरी, निर्भय रसायन, करमतारा इंजिनीअरिंग, जे. बी. टेक्सटाइल, आरती ड्रग, फार्मास्युटिकल प्रॉडक्टस ऑफ इंडिया, झियस इंटरनॅशनल रोल्सन सिंथेटिक्स, विराज प्रोफाइल्स, डिसीटेक्स डेकोअर, कफम्लीन फाईन केमिकल्स, मनोहर प्रोसेसर, डेक्टो टेक्सटाइल, डि-सी-टेक्सटाइल, अंगतपाल इंडस्ट्रीज, निपुर केमिकल्स, सम्राट निटरर्स आदी कंपन्यांचा समावेश आहे.

औद्योगिक वसाहतीतील कारखान्यातून उत्पादनासाठी वापरले जाणारे पाणी सामुदायिक सांडपाणी प्रक्रिया केंदातून 'ओव्हर फ्लो' होत असल्याने तसेच या पाण्याच्या दर्जात सुधारणा होणे, सांडपाणी गोळा करणाऱ्या पम्प क्रमांक ३ला त्याची जोडणी न करणे, समुद व खाडीतील पाण्यात असणारे मासे मृत्युमुखी पडणे, बॉम्बे रेयॉन फॅथन लि. व डि- सी-डेकोअर या कारखान्यांना परवानगी देण्याबाबतीत बोईसर विचार मंचातफेर् तक्रार करण्यात आली होती.

Friday, December 4, 2009

News in LOKMAT dt. 4th Dec. 2009

This news appeared on the 2nd page of Main Mumbai edition of LOKMAT .

You can very well see the current situation on GHODBUNDER ROAD, which is still same as in the past.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bhopal like condition on Ghodbunder Raod, Thane, Maharashtra

On 2nd Dec. 2009 , I got up in the morning with breathing Highly Polluted Air coming out from one Shanti Textiles, Situated on Kolshet Road, Off. Ghodbunder Road, Thane WEST, Maharahstra State, INDIA.

Today, it the 25th year for Bhopal Gas Tragedy.

In spite of Fight since 2002/2003 Against Air Pollution in Residential Area , still residents of Ghodbunder Road has to breath polluted air.

Many times I wonder, how residents are keeping quite .